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4 tree(s) planted in memory of Mabel Moulton
Richard, Jordan, Marc & Matt Lichtfuss planted 3 trees in memory of Mabel Moulton
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
3 trees were planted in memory of
Mabel Moulton

No finer soul than Mabel. We are all heartbroken and hope her memories will comfort everyone. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Catherine Mills posted a condolence
Monday, November 11, 2024
We will miss your lovely laugh and gentle hugs, all our love to you and your family
Jane Piercey posted a condolence
Friday, September 27, 2024
To Mabel’s family,
I am so sorry to hear of Mabel’s passing.
She was a classmate of mine at the GHSN.
Thinking of you at such a sad time, and hopefully the happy memories will help you.
Jane Piercey
Pat Moulton, sister-in-law posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Mother Mabel was in my eyes the personification of Newfoundland values … hospitality, generosity, kindness. You wouldn’t be finished one lovely meal before she would be asking what you might want for the next. She couldn’t do enough for you, and cared deeply for everyone. It will be hard to visit back in Epworth without her there.
Calvin posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
To Lana, Steve, Sonya and Lyndon. So sorry for the loss on your Mom. Mom’s are special, and Your Mom was a very special lady. She was so caring, not just to her own family but many many others. I have wonderful memories of her, both from when I lived at Home and during my many trips back to see my Mom. She always treated me like a king and couldn’t do enough for me. (It was guaranteed that I would put on a few pounds even during my shortest stays.)
Cherish your memories of her. You are all very lucky to have had her as your mom.
Stay strong and look after your Dad in her absence.
Donna O'Brien donated to The Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation Inc.
Monday, September 23, 2024
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Wallace & Peggy Street posted a condolence
Monday, September 23, 2024
Gerald & family,
We lost a very good friend. Talked with some family members today.
Sincere thoughts
Wallace & Peggy
Tom & Trudy Moulton posted a condolence
Monday, September 23, 2024
Gerald and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very difficult time. Mabel was a wonderful person, kind and helpful to all. She always had a smile and thoughtful greeting whenever we saw her. She will be missed.
Take care,
Tom and Trudy Moulton
Charlotte Paul uploaded photo(s)
Monday, September 23, 2024

A trip home would usually have a stop in Epworth on the way to Wandsworth and a visit with Aunt Mabel and Gerald. Picture is from a visit in Aug 2023 with Aunt Deb. I'll miss those visits.
Nursing Colleagues of Mabel Moulton R. N donated to The Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation Inc.
Monday, September 23, 2024
Our sincere condolences to Gerald and family. Know that all of us share in your grief ,as she was loved by all of us. As you know she was a remarkable lady and nurse,she will be missed from our lives.
This donation is from 54 of her colleagues,I am sure there are many more who we were unable to contact. Initially it was just going to be a donation from her Obstetrics family,but it quickly grew with so many wanting to honour her memory. Overwhelming but definitely not surprising
Again accept our deepest sympathy at this very difficult time. We will miss you “Mudder “❤️
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Barbara Noseworthy uploaded photo(s)
Monday, September 23, 2024


Lisa Ryan posted a condolence
Monday, September 23, 2024
Sonya and family, I am so sorry on the passing of your beautiful mother and grandmother. She was a wonderful person that I met many years ago through my Mom, Joyce Clark. We would often visit you in Epworth and we were always welcomed just like we were family.
Take comfort in all the beautiful memories you have with her. Sending love to you all.
Take care of each other xoxo
Lisa Ryan
Joyce Clark posted a condolence
Monday, September 23, 2024
Mabel was a wonderful person to everyone she knew. She was my wonderful nursing friend when we were in training. As the years passed and we went our different ways, we stayed friends and often visited each others homes with our small children. Later years, I truly enjoyed every visit when she would come in to her brother Joe’s house or when she stayed with Sonya. I will certainly miss our phone chats.
Sincere condolences to Gerald and family. Sending love to you all.
Rest in Peace Mabel, my beautiful friend.
Joyce Clark
Alfreda Grandy posted a condolence
Monday, September 23, 2024
I've known Mabel since I was seven yrs.old when we moved to Epworth. We both attended the same three room school in Epworth in the same grade.We went to Summer School and got our "P" license and taught school for a year and then went in Nursing.There we shared many fond and treasured memories.One of those I recall was every Sunday morning when we were off we took the bus and went to George Street United Church. Both of us returned home (Mabel before me) and worked at Burin Cottage Hospital and BPHCC on Obstetrics.
She was always a true and kind friend,mentor to many and always saw the good in everyone.She will never be forgotten.Mabel rest in peace.
Heartfelt condolences go out to Gerald and Family . Alfreda and Bill.
Don and Vivian Hollett posted a condolence
Monday, September 23, 2024
To the family of the late Mable Moulton,
Don and I are deeply saddened to hear of your great loss. Mabel was a beautiful person but most of all to me a beautiful nurse.
“In the excitement and miracle of birth she was there, when a gentle touch, a firm push or an encouraging word was needed she was there , when a calming quiet presence was all that was needed, she was there.” Mabel was one gem of the nurse as well as an individual.
We will always fondly remember her, “and now that it’s time to be at the Greater one side I know she is there”.
May God bless you all, and may you cherish your beautiful memories forever.
Deepest and sadness regrets ,
Don No and Vivian Hollett
Ruth Paul uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 22, 2024
No words can express my heartfelt sorrow to all of you in this time of mourning.
Cherish the memories - laugh - hug each other lots.
Hug each other for me - I have two sweatshirts that say “Streel” - it was Mabel’s way of saying she loved me when I was a tomboy girl hanging around with cousin, Lil.
I treasure those shirts and my many memories of Mabel from visits to your old family home in Epworth.
Much Love Cousin Ruth
Peter and Marie Slade posted a condolence
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Our sincere condolences to Gerald and all your family. Mabel was such a wonderful and caring wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. She will always remember. May she rest in peace. Peter and Marie Slade.
Ruth Paul donated to The Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation Inc.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
No words can express my heartfelt sorrow to all of you in this time of mourning. Cherish the memories - laugh - hug each other lots.
Hug each other for me - I have two sweatshirts that say “Streel” - it was Mabel’s way of saying she loved me when I was a tomboy girl hanging around with cousin, Lil. I treasure those shirts and my many memories of Mabel from visits to your old family home in Epworth.
Much Love
Cousin Ruth
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Brian & Lisa Stride posted a condolence
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Lana and Family
Sending our sincerest condolences to you all at this difficult time. You all will be in our thoughts and prayers as you lay your mom to rest.
Carrie Stride
Brian & Lisa Stride
John Alland And Shirley Moulton posted a condolence
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Mabel was one of the kindness person that we know I met her when I married John Allan and when Lana was born Sandy couldn't wait to go to Epworth and see Baby Lana as she called her We all went on with our lives and then 2007 we went back to Epworth.for the summers and always had the Moulton BBQ Mabels rolls were the best and her hospitatily in her house each year hosting us was awesome As the kids said we will remember this beautiful lady A wife mother sister daughter and grandmother and off course nurse Mabel.We are heart broken over your passing and will always cherish our wonderful memories of you RIP until we meet again John Allan and Shirley
Deneen Cull posted a condolence
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Gerald, Sonya, Joe and the entire Moulton family, heartfelt condolences. I am so sorry for your huge loss. Mabel was an incredible mom, grandmother and nurse, and will be missed by many. Cherish your memories and hold each other tight. Love and hugs for you all, Deneen, Corrie and Claire.
Holly Reid lit a candle
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Bonnie, I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing your sister Mabel personally. From what I’ve heard, your Sister, was a phenomenal woman. What good memories you must have. We offer our heartfelt condolences to you and all the family members and hope that the cherished moments you shared will bring you all comfort.
Holly, Gordon & Lennex
Guy & Julie Hollett posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
To Gerald and the entire family, Sending love and prayers as you mourn the loss of your precious wife, mother and grandmother. Mabel left behind a legacy, not only of her career, but her love, caring & kindness to so many, will never be forgotten. RIP, Mabel.
Linda Fitzpatrick posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Sincere condolences to Mabel's family. All I can say is that Mabel Moulton was one beautiful and caring nurse. May she rest in peace.
Delphine Lymburner posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
So sorry to hear the news. Mabel was such a lovely and an amazing nurse. It was a pleasure to know her. Condolences to all the family. Delphine Lymburner.
Bern Brown posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Hi Gerald, so sorry to hear off Mabel’s passing. Melva told we this evening that your mom also passed away last week .I’m Sending my condolences and prayers to you and your family. Be strong my friend my thoughts are with you.
Glennys Philbert posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Sending deepest condolences to Gerald and family, and their families…Mabel the mother who loved beyond measure and the nurse who loved and cared beyond compassion..and any words to describe her..Great mentor, awesome advisor and great hugger.. Glennys Harding
Loretta Wight posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
To Lillian and Family,so sorry to hear of your Sister’s passing, my thoughts and prayers are with you all, it is such a difficult time when you lose a loved one.
Donna Snow posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Sincere condolences to all of Mabel's family. She was such a wonderful and caring neighbor to my parents, John (Uncle Jack) and Mae Wrixon. Dad always said, "We always felt safe living next door to Mabel and Gerald. It was like having family next door."

A Memorial Tree was planted for Mabel Moulton
Saturday, September 21, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Serenity Funeral Home - Burin Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Lynn FitzPatrick posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
To the Moulton and Manning families: we were so very saddened to hear of the passing of Mabel. She was such a caring, inspiring, and dedicated person who touched the lives of everyone who had the pleasure to know her. When you love deeply, the pain of loss is so much deeper, and we know Mabel was loved so much, by so many. Sending our sincerest condolences to you all during this difficult time. God Bless, Lynn, Lester and Owen.
The family of Mabel Moulton uploaded a photo
Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Chantelle Shute posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
I will be forever grateful for the love and support Mabel showed me when I moved to Burin as a brand new nurse. She taught me so much, treated me like her own and welcomed me into her home and her life. My sincere condolences to Gerald, her children and grandchildren.
Chantelle & Dean Shute
Linda Bell uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Dear Gerald and Family, my sincerest condolenses on the loss of your beautiful Mabel, I shall always treasure our special time togther when she invited me to your home in 2016 to gift me with a photo of grandfather in his Royal Newfoundland Regimet uniform his file was missing and this was the one and only photo that has existed. Knowing that both you and Mabel were distant cousins to me, Mabel took it upon herself to take me on a tour of the old homsteads of my Moultons, Mannings, Hardings , Woundy, and the Marshalls , with a hilarous trip to Wandsworth as we almost got stuck, and the a wonderful visit to the Epworth United and Cemetery with Mabel and Rita Moulton. IYou both made me so welcome in your home and and gifted me with so many
treasured memories. I have shared a photo of Mabel and Rita at the Epworth United Church 2016
Much Love to you all, cousin
Linda Nosesworty Bell
Elaine & Nick, Nicole, Michael & Jaclyn Grifoni posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
In 2019, Mabel and my cousin, Gerald welcomed Nicole and myself into their home to visit family in Epworth, NL. Mabel was such a gracious hostess. We shared so many delicious home cooked meals. During our stay they treated us like one of their own family and we came away with so many treasured memories. I will always remember her kindness, her infectious smile, our evening games of competitive scrabble,
her love of her family and her willingness to please and do good for others. We can all take a page from her book. We are so grateful for the time we spent together - this amazing lady has touched the lives of many people so deeply and will be missed so dearly.❤️
Our sincere condolences to all of Mabel’s family and friends.
Bob Hollett posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Having grown up in Epworth we all knew Mabel, what a wonderful lady she was. She always had a smile and a warm welcome for everyone.
My heart goes out to her family. God bless you all. God sure gained another angel.
stacey Saunders posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
I first met Mabel when I came to Burin as a medical student. She welcomed me with open arms treating me as an equal and teaching me so much along the way. I then had the pleasure of working with her from time to time when I became staff at the ER in Burin. Sometimes we would get called from the ER to aid in a delivery if the Obstetrician was not in the hospital. What a relief it would be for me if I knew Mabel was working! I knew that Mom and baby were in the best hands and I could relax and let Mabel take over. Better than any of this was the day that Mabel delivered my own daughter! I will never forget her saying to me in her calm, loving manner, “ You got your girl and she’s some pretty!” Finally later in life I decided to get a dog. At the same time,my daughter had a birthday. We were trying to decide on a name for the puppy. I was telling my daughter about the day Nurse Mabel delivered her. That was it! We decided to call our pup Mabel. I can honestly say that this woman has touched my life in ways I will never forget. A beautiful soul. May she rest in peace. My deepest condolences.❤️
Serenity Funeral Home
95 Main Street, Burin Bay Arm, A0E 1G0
Phone: 709-891-2225 | Email: serenityfuneralhome@msn.com
Serenity Funeral Home
13 Church St, Grand Bank, A0E 1W0
All content on this site is the property of Serenity Funeral Home, and, where applicable, respective families.
It is not to be reproduced elsewhere without the express written notice of Serenity Funeral Home, or, in the case of an obituary, the family of the deceased.